Friday, August 14, 2009

An article to share with all.,..^.^

Adapted from a blog....

现 代的人实在很忙,学生忙读书、孩子的课本愈来愈重,考试也愈来愈多,上班族也忙著工作,有人不只一份工作,为了生活的需要,有时候还必须把工作拿回家做; 家庭主妇也忙著孩子、先生、家事…等等,我们好像都很忙。现在的社会,因为经济压力,因为房贷、儿女的教育基金,在这种重重的压力之下,一个家庭必须要有 双薪,夫妻二个人不得已都必须工作。这样说来,大家实在都很忙。这一刻,下一刻,大家都安排了许多事。我们看到弟兄姐妹身体软弱的很多,家庭有难处也多, 灵性的需求,常常有心关怀,但能力、时间都有限。忙是好事,因为人本来就得忙,这个忙并不是现代人的写照,从亚当的时代起,就是如此。在创世记3:19, 上帝给亚当一个生命模式,就是「你必汗流满面才得糊口。」从以前到现在,我们确实是活在一种忙碌的生活中。

我们回到耶稣的时代,我们从圣经里的记载看见,耶稣在当时也是十分的忙碌,单单从马可福音中,我们可以找出几段经文显示耶稣的忙碌情形:可3:20 「耶稣进了一个屋子,众人又聚集,甚至他连饭也顾不得吃。」可6:30-31「使徒聚集到耶稣那裏,将一切所做的事、所传的道,全告诉他。他就说,你们 来,同我暗暗的到旷野地方去歇一歇。这是因为来往的人多,他们连吃饭也没有工夫。」我们从可1:33记载,看见耶稣忙到一种程度,甚至是合城的人都来找耶 稣。据考察当时迦百农的人口,差不多是二、叁千人,如果是合城的人来找耶稣,以二千人计算,耶稣对每个人用一分钟,祂大概用了叁十多小时。这样的服事是相 当的可观。所以,今天我们忙碌,那是一件正常的事。但是,要找到重新得力的方法。主听门徒述说他们所作的事以後,如何表示呢?祂说:「你们来,同我暗暗的 到旷野地方去歇一歇。」主这样作,是使他们得安息。到旷野地方去:耶稣找了一个没有人打扰的地方,祂可以好好安静,这裏主耶稣告诉我们退到旷野的目的:就 是使那些疲累困倦得到休息。当面对危机时要等候神,直到我们在主裏找到安息之处。


1.要用祷告来亲近神。太6:6「你祷告的时候,要进你的内屋,关上门,祷告你在暗中的父;你父在暗中察看,必然报答你。」要进入「内屋」,一个 亲近神的地方,「关上门」,不容外面的事物来影响我们与神的交通。弟兄姊妹,你要找一个地方、找一个空间,这是非常重要的,可能是你的房间、一个角落,或 是公司的会议室,你必须要找一个地方。如果你没有这样地方,你也许可以考虑来教会祷告。

2.要用神的话来亲近神。来4:10-13「因为那进入安息的,乃是歇了自己的工,正如神歇了他的工一样。所以,我们务必竭力进入那安息,免得有人 学那不信从的样子跌倒了。神的道是活泼的,是有功效的,比一切两刃的剑更快,甚至魂与灵,骨节与骨髓,都能刺入、剖开,连心中的思念和主意都能辨明。并且 被造的没有一样在他面前不显然的;原来万物在那与我们有关係的主眼前,都是赤露敞开的。」希伯来书3-4章中讲到以色列人无法进入安息的原因是不信,纵使 他们进入迦南地仍未享受真正的安息,然而神为我们预备另一个安息日安息,乃是信主耶稣,就得享安息。经文後面接著是要透过神的道来建造我们的生命,使我们 在神的面前检视我们的生命,好使我们更像我们的主。我们也可以与上帝有更深在灵裏的交通与分享。

3.要用默想来亲近神。诗119:148「我趁夜更未换将眼睁开,为要思想你的话语。」这节经文提到他在夜间思想神的话,「思想」也可译成默想,我 们默想不是放空自己,而是专注在神的身上,祂成为我们思想的中心。你每天可以向神求一句话,来供应你生命中一切的需要。退到旷野不是无事可作,而是再一次 的重新得力。


Just after a rush storming week...

This week is really a rush, busy week for me especially on thursday... Yet, i'm able to steal some time to blogging.. hehe..

What have i done this week? handling two assignments, 1 test, lab reports, karate....two church's services as pianist, having dinner with cell group, prayer nite, attending convocation, mission commitee meeting....

For that thursday, i wake up as early as 7am++ to study for test... then attend classes and a test started from 9am till 1pm and having lab in the afternoon till 6pm.. Then, having cell group dinner at 7pm then rushed to church practicing piano at 7.45pm then having prayer started at 8pm... Then coming back to campus almost 11pm... tidying then and making card till 12pm ++ then sleep till 2am++ then woke up to rush assignment needed to hand in the next day till almost 6am in the morning. Woke up late at 8.05am and being late for lecture start 8.15am and only manage to reach there by almost 8.30am..

Reli rush hur? But, feel thanksful to Lord that the rushing is over in the leading of HIM and i'm still well and fit in this ill season... Thx , Lord....

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
诗篇Psalms 23:1

Senior's convocation...

I made it by my own o...
Yesterday, we went to seniors' convocation with pastor at the USM main campus there after class. Finally, i went for a convocation for the very 1st time and we enjoyed a fun time together... Wanna wish and shouted to all the graduated seniors "Happy Convocation, Congratulation!", "Thank U all of U" .Wish that all will keep shinning in the light of Jesus Christ.. Well done and keep it up !!! Wish that all will come upon to their dream career soon and walking the path of christ... Gambateh!!! They worked so hard just for the coming of this day...

My adik wei kim and my graduated abang Kar Kin...
Hendrix and Jacob... they always treat and fool me as well, also learned lots things through them... THx ^.^

John-john... a great senior that excellent in great caring and serve faithfully....THx john-john!!
Annie... a leader and always putting her smile on, helping lots and also faithful server for Lord...thX annie

A bit regretful bcos we unable to the full pic with all the fellowship members and with all the graduateds...
And now we as the "mao pai" character in the convo... me, Hooi keng and Grace
and including Nelly also...^.^

Then, we went "mum mum" at Seoul Gardern in Auto City before going back.. Eat till my stomach almost burst |||
My own created ice-cream dessert... yummy ^.^
Steamboat + BBQ terrifying meal |||

And finally happy Nelly...

Responsibility & assigned responsibility

What's mean by responsibility and assigned responsibility ? For me, it is just the different of one is u urself opt to take up the responsibility and another one is somebody assigned the responsibility to u or simply a given task. eg, A decision made by ur own is ur responsibility while assignments,projects, exams, given are assigned responsibilities. But once it is given to u, then it is ur responsibility now. They often contradict with each other.
The cute "meh" opt to get water in order to make it survive....
As for me, i would not simply take up a responsibility if i have not making serious considerations and really putting lots of hard efforts into it. A background of borned in a family with 5 other siblings and being the middle one in the family would definitely formed me to have some sense of over-responsible, it's just not that easy for me not care the things that people think is not important while i consider it is. Probably developed due to family background...

Therefore, i feel quite uneasy or umcomfortable when sometime people told me that "放心,很容易的!" I just have the feeling of suspisious and it't just ur own opinions, the important is that how i feel. Of course, i know the purpose is trying to make me feel better.

From b4 the moment, till the moment and now i took up the responsibility to be a cell group leader, there's lots of strugglings, mixed feelings and learnings. But i know Lord is observing, pottering my every movements.

I'm the kind of the person that not talented in speaking and i dunno ever how to express my own words and opinions, probably the kind of action speaks louder person. My world is probably not full of interesting words or probably a bored rectangular box that what it is, it is without any descriptive words. There's reasons behind all these but probably only able to share it next time. Thus, i always told people that"我很不会讲话的". Thanksfully, i think i got improve a bit already while i consider it as worst in the pass. I feel strongly and i like this verse very much.

箴 言 25:11:一 句 话 说 得 合 宜 , 就 如 金 苹 果 在 银 网 子 里 。

Proverbs 25:11 : A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

Therefore, it's really challenges for me to lead a cell group especially verbal communications are really important for the links in the group. I often face the problems like "do they really understand what i say, do they get it?" I try my best to explain and think how to care my group members. I worried that whether they are being cared in my group. I just don't want anybody to feel being abandoned. And, it really a tough task and really need to put lots of hard efforts, time only on caring, contacting...which people maybe considered it as "remeh-temeh" things. And, i often prayed for this things to lord, finding it't really hard and just wanna to struggle over it with HIM. Probably people will laugh at me squeezing my head so hard just due to this simple task.

Only the communication part i opt to learn so hard already and the rest also got to keep it up. There're lots of "still learning" homeworks with the bless of this responsibilty. May Lord supplied and equiped me with whatever things He want me to learn especially through responsibilites to this almighty Lord..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A sudden holiday & an appointment...

1st Posting - A sudden holiday

Last wednesday, our campus suddenly announced a week of holiday on that day. I received a call from my friend as early as 6am++ in the morning. Suddenly, many people in our campus being hit by flu and confirmed that got 4 persons hit by H1N1 flu already. So, we are asked to leave the campus immediately for that period as to ensure our safety.

I haven't prepared myself for this sudden holiday. Then, after considering for few decisions, i decided to go to Taiping with my course mates. Angeline and i stayed in Ah Peng's home and we're having some wonderful time to enjoy cooking. Angeline had cooked Sarawak Laksa for us and i made some dishs also. We enjoyed the time we went to pasar to select the fresh ingredients for our dishs. What had we prepared? Sarawak's laksa, spagtheti, salt fish's toufu, toufu mushroom dish, vegetable dish ..... Watering mouth ya?

Haiz... Forgot to take the pic of the dishes for that few days... Then, coming back to campus by Saturday and noticed that only got really few people to stay in this hostel.. My floor only got me to stay in. The whole hostel really empty and quiet. Yet, i enjoyed the quietness..Hehe..

Yet, i spent almost all of my time watching a drama.. And, i'm able to finish it by few days. It quite a nice drama.. Oh no! going to get mad mad upon the opening of school due to unfinished homework... Then, my holiday just being passed like that.. A bit regretful...

2nd Posting - -An appointment 11/7/09
Today i had been going to Taiping for my dentist appointment..
Hooray! I managed to get all by my own. I went there using that really old onimbus then to the clinic by "11 bus"..

I try my best to settle everything by my own as i didn't want to bother anyone. I borrowed a motor and planned to go to the bus station by my own and ride it back to campus after caming back. Yet, my lovely father in heaven didn't allow me to do so.

So, HE made that borrowed motor couldn't be started. I decided to give up after trying the starter for half an hour. HE arranged an angel to fetch me to bus station and another one to fetch me back to campus..

HE made me felt that i'm not alone.. I'm surrounded with lots of angels whenever i'm in trouble.Thanks Lord for those helpful angels...

Along the trip, the seat was not comfortable at all but i enjoy the scenery very much. I have not been in such trip for almost two months already... I enjoyed that peaceful moment by travelling alone wihout any talking..I liked the speed of the bus, listening to sound of speed, the shaking seat, and enjoyed the weather as well. The wind outside keep blowing my hair and it quite disturbing... The trip is quite long for me...

I considered myself as an independent person.
Yet, It got price to be paid for an independent person.
Sometimes, i just feel like life is unbreatheable..
How i wish i could be my mummy or daddy's girl, living under the protected shelf without worrying so much, can do whatever i want, need not to worry how much family's monthly expense, bills, younger siblings, bla bla bla...

But, the reality simply doesn't allow..
Yet, i learned to rely on Lord and myself, like the roadside grass that will try hard to survive...

I believe that everyone whose family's background had made them who they are today.. So am I.. I may be boring, straight-foward, not even know how to create humourous jokes, not knowing how to express myself, ignoreable, not even charming, maybe "cool" in some people's eyes..
Yet..... as long as i'm who i am and surely still undergoing transforming under HIM...

HE might be a bit cruel towards me to take away all my "Sweet things" so early. Yet, i know what HE wanted from me. Yet, sometimes, i just like a wild horse to disobey HIM...
People are having the igonorance and sinful heart easily that simply try to oppose their "Creator".

A simple good deed

I let my seat to an old Malay nenek while in the bus just like the old moral lesson in text book when i was young..
The nenek look at me with the appreciating eyes and i smiled to her..
I felt warm too for that simple act ...

This reminded me what Jesus will do when people needing HIS help.. He cured those of the blind, deaf, and even unwalkable.....without considering much..

Sometimes, it's our selfishness that let us to hesistate even to lend a hand to the needing persons..We just thought that others will do it then we will no need to do.
And out of 100% of the people, only probably 1% will do it..

Isn't it a pity that the relationship with people is all about self-center, materialistic life?