Saturday, March 27, 2010


probably poor, then can be rich in term of heart,
poor, can treat people in true richly heart
as it's what u can offer

poor gift, but a true richly hard effort DIY present
rather then spend some $$ but unsincerely giving,
it may be valueless in price, but a true sincere blessing

probably poor entering a cinema or clubbing or shopping...
then enjoying free sorts of meaningful entertainments -
DIY things, repairings, cooking lessons, serving.......

probably poor, seems like unable to enjoy many fine things or places or food
indeed, it's been the wonderful things in seeing HIS creation and
enjoying it truthly with the richest heart, ...

poor, making u a humble person due 2 ur inability

poor, making u relying HIM strongly not matter what..

poor, making u a richly thoughtful person for others
probably poor in self but rich for others

poor, but felt the richest when seeing people smiled and laughed..

but poor in HIS words though u're the richest
yet, poorest ever u're in this world for not knowing the greatness of HIM

poor, then everyday's a thanksgiving day,

1 comment:

  1. Nice sharing....!!

    "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Matt 5:3)
